
Finding the right thesis topic can be difficult and take a long time. To make it a little easier for you, we have created a list of all thesis proposal pages of the computer science department. It is possible that the list is not always complete or that we did not notice changes. Therefore it may be useful to contact the departments directly. The list also contains information about the language in which the department offers the thesis. Of course you can also write theses at companies, etc.. We also have a mailing list (abschlussarbeiten@) where offers are posted and you can subscribe to it here. For general organizational information, visit the Examination Office page.

General tips

Before the thesis

It makes sense to think early enough about the area in which you would like to write your thesis. Not every topic is interesting for everyone and not for all areas you will have accumulated enough knowledge to achieve a good grade. Therefore, you should have taken appropriate elective courses, so that you have accumulated expertise in these areas and possibly already know your future supervisor. It also makes sense to ask other fellow students about their experiences with their supervisors. If the type of supervision does not suit you, this can have a (sometimes strong) negative impact on your success.

During the thesis

The most important thing is to register your work. This way, further tasks cannot be added afterwards and also the study office likes you more if you do not combine the time of registration with the submission.

For the actual editing, the following things are important: Backups. Ideally, you should use some form of version control, such as git or Subversion, so that you can always access content that has already been discarded. This applies not only to code but also to written work. Working with Sharelatex can also be useful, even if you can't use the collaboration feature.

For including citations, JabRef or KBibTex can be useful and offer a more pleasant interface than a plain text editor. Of course, you should always be in contact with your supervisor so that you can get feedback on your work so far. Some supervisors also read through a semi-finished version well before submission to give feedback. This way, any incorrect citations, missing sources, or suboptimal structure can be caught early. Tools can be useful for checking spelling and grammar. Here, LTeX for VSCode and possibly Grammarly can be used.

If you don't know how to write a thesis at all, the guide of the Algorithmics department is probably helpful. Otherwise, it can be helpful to read through the work of others and get a feeling for the usual structure. You should also not start too late with the written elaboration, but write on it spread over the whole period.

Thesis submission

It is important to hand it in on time, otherwise it is not convenient for anyone involved. Usually, it is no longer necessary to submit a physical copy but find out early if this is necessary for you after all. Otherwise, upload a PDF-A compliant version to TUbama early enough to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It is also possible to test with a preliminary version whether everything works technically. In addition to the TUbama submission, the study office also needs a signed "Declaration of Thesis", more details can be found here.

After the thesis

The first thing after the submission is probably the defense. So make an appointment with your supervisor for this, whereby of course the thesis itself must also be corrected. Depending on your own planning and timing, it may make sense to already start applying for a subsequent degree program or for a job. Otherwise, we recommend just taking a little break and enjoying your degree :D

List of fields

Here you have a quick overview of the department's subject areas as well as useful brief information if you would like to write a thesis on the subject area. A complete overview of the department's current subject areas can be found here.

  • 3D Graphics & Vision de en Website
  • Algorithmik de en Website
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab de en Website
  • Bahnsysteme und Bahntechnik de en Website
  • Chair of Applied Cryptography de en Website
  • Cryptography and Complexity Theory de en Website
  • Cryptography and Network Security de en Website
  • Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) de en Website
  • Embedded Systems & Applications de en Website
  • Intelligent Autonomous Systems de en Website
  • Interactive AI algorithms & cognitive models for human-AI interaction (IKIDA) de en Website
  • Interactive Graphics Systems Group de en Website
  • Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems de en Website
  • Multimedia Communications Lab de en Website
  • Multimodal Grounded Learning de en Website
  • Networked Embedded Systems (NES) de en Website
  • Parallel Programming de en Website
  • Quantum Computing Group de en Website
  • Real-Time Systems Lab de en Website
  • Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC) de en Website
  • Scientific Computing de en Website
  • Secure Mobile Networking de en Website
  • Security in Information Technology (SIT) de en Website
  • Semantics and Verification of Parallel Systems de en Website
  • Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics Group de en Website
  • Software & Digital Business Group de en Website
  • Software Engineering de en Website
  • Software Technology Group de en Website
  • System Security Lab de en Website
  • Systems@TUDa en Website
  • Telecooperation Lab de en Website
  • Theory of Parallel Systems de en Website
  • Trustworthy Human Language Technologies de en Website
  • Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP) de en Website
  • Visual Inference Lab de en Website
  • Wireless Communication And Sensing Lab (WISE) de en Website
  • intelligent RObotic Systems and Assistants (iROSA) en Website