The student council
Of course, we also want to introduce ourselves a bit on our website. Here you will find general information about us, our support association and the conference of computer science student councils. The subpages contain further descriptions of our tasks and activities as well as our active and former members. If you are interested in our work, you can also find out how you can join us.
About us
All students in the Department of Computer Science belong to the "Fachschaft". Usually, however, the active part or the student council is meant when "Fachschaft" is mentioned. As such, we represent the student interests of our department. To do this, we are active in numerous university committees and try to improve studies for everyone. In these and outside of them, we often work together with professors, academic staff and employees to find solutions together. In addition to this work in the background, we also organize events and the orientation week as well as the programming pre-course. You can see what we do overall here.
You can reach us easily in our room S2|02 D120. Further contact options can be found on our contact page. If you just want to stay informed about our work, you can view here which social media channels we have or you can subscribe to our RSS feed.

It promotes the interests of students as well as teaching and research in the department. Its current statutes can be found here. Membership in the association is not a prerequisite for participation in the student council. The current statutes can be found here.
The board usually consists of three members with equal rights who manage the business of the association and implement the resolutions of the general meeting. These members are currently:
You can reach the board at
Becoming a member
Regular members can be all natural persons who are enrolled in a study program of the Department of Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt or who have chosen their elective subject area accordingly. The association is open to all who support its goals. Membership is free of charge for full members, supporting members pay a fee of currently 24€ per year. If you are interested in becoming a member of the association, we need the completed membership application form. The board will decide on this application at one of the next meetings. It can be handed in personally in the student council room D120 or sent by mail to:
- Vorstand des Fördervereins der Fachschaft Informatik an der TU Darmstadt e.V.
- Raum D120
- Hochschulstraße 10
- 64289 Darmstadt
Supporting the association
The association is a non-profit organization and is always happy to receive financial support for its work. On the one hand, there is Gooding, through which you can support the association through your usual online purchases. Your purchase does not cost more. On the other hand, we also accept donations. These are tax deductible and can be transferred to the following account:
- IBAN: DE91 5089 0000 0064 0851 07
For donations under 200€ the bank statement is sufficient as proof. For larger donations, we will issue a donation receipt if required.
At the Conference of the German-speaking Computer Science Student Councils (KIF), student councils from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria come together to exchange experiences and problems, to work out solutions together, and to initiate joint resolutions. The KIF is held every semester at different locations. The last KIF in Darmstadt was 44.0 in 2016.
The conference begins with an initial plenary session in which the student representatives report on interesting news and the working groups (AKs) are introduced. Within the next three days the topics will be discussed in the working groups. Finally, there is a closing plenary in which the results of the working groups are presented and resolutions are passed.