Tasks & structure

A student council also needs an internal structure if it wants to fulfill its tasks. On this page you can find out how this is organized and what we do for the students of our department. If you are interested in any of this, feel free to drop by or talk to us!

Tasks of the student council

The student council is first and foremost the representative of the students' interests in the department. If you have problems with events, the organization of exams or similar, you can simply come to us. Also with other concerns which do not belong to the student advisory service or the like, we are probably the first point of contact. We try to pass on suggestions or criticism from the student body so that they can be heard. We publicly document our current tasks on our task board.

Representation & contact person

The Fachschaft Informatik is first and foremost the representative of the students' interests in the department. If you have problems with events, the organization of exams or similar, you can simply come to us. Also with other concerns which do not belong to the student advisory service or the like, we are probably the first point of contact. We try to pass on suggestions or criticism from the student body so that they can be heard.

Ophase & pre-course

The student council organizes an introductory week for first-year students so that they can orient themselves at TU and have an easier start. This is offered to both Bachelor's and Master's students. In the winter semester, the Ophase is much larger, as there are significantly more students starting their studies here. You can find more information about the Ophase here.

To ensure that first-year students do not start their studies in computer science without any previous knowledge, the student council offers a programming pre-course in the week before the Ophase. You can find the information here.

Lending of notebooks, etc.

If (urgently) needed, laptops from the Departmental Office can be borrowed from us, for example if your own is unusable. Please have your student ID ready. You can also borrow smaller items from us, such as cables and adapters, for a deposit. If you want to get in touch with us, we have the e-mail address ausleihe@d120.de.

Festivals, game nights & more

At FB20 there are two main festivals per year, which are organized by the student council. On the one hand, there is the summer party of the department in the summer semester and the St. Nicholas party ("Nikolausfeier") in the winter semester. There is of course always food and drink offered and you can get to know other fellow students. Another possibility are the game evenings we organize. An overview of all events can be found here.

Structure of the student council

In order to be able to work better and use our knowledge more effectively, we have several permanent and short-term working groups that take care of internal and external tasks. You can see who is active in which groups on our members page. There you will also find direct contacts if you have any questions or suggestions. In addition to the groups listed here, there are also the university committees, which exist independently of the student council.

Permanent working groups

As a student council, we manage our own infrastructure. This includes this website, of course, but also our own hardware, mail server and the like. In addition, we also take care of the organization of various offers for students. If you think something important is missing from our offers, we would be happy to hear from you or if you would like to take on the task directly. To be active in the student council, you don't necessarily have to be part of one of the groups listed here. Even if you just want to help out or drop in, you are always welcome.

  • Website

    The website team is responsible for maintaining and updating this website. Depending on the semester and changes at the university, this can be more or less work. In addition to dealing with common web languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the in-house generator must also be maintained.

    Contact: webseite@d120.de

  • Evaluation

    This group takes care of the administration of the evaluation TANs, which are sent to the module organizers and with which the students can participate in the evaluation. They also remind students to participate. You can find more information about the evaluation (e.g. the results) here.

    Contact: feedback@d120.de

  • Server

    The server team (FSS) is responsible for the student council's infrastructure. This includes our own hardware and deploying our (partly self-written) software. For example, it includes mail servers, a Nextcloud and the website. To become part of the server team, you usually have to have been in the student council for a long time and have taken on larger tasks, as working in this group involves a lot of responsibility and requires trust. In FSS we trust.

    Contact: fss@d120.de

  • Social media

    The social media team takes care of the student council's channels on social networks. The members of this group make the posts that you can see on our channels. Usually, it is also this group that creates the graphics and texts, unless other members of the student council provide their own directly.

    Contact: socialmedia@d120.de

  • Software development

    As there is not an existing solution for all (small) problems, we also develop our own software. This includes the writing itself, but also the maintenance and expansion of existing programs.

    Contact: developer@d120.de

  • Lending

    This working group deals with inquiries regarding the loan of laptops, cables and similar items. They manage the loan forms and have to keep track of which items have been borrowed and when.

    Contact: ausleihe@d120.de

  • GnoM

    The (RP)GnoM organizers plan the evening, make sure that everything runs smoothly at the game night and are available to help with any problems (regarding the evening).

    Contact: gnom-orga@d120.de

  • Universitätserfahrung

    In this group, members take care of requests and pass them on to tutors. You can find out exactly what this group does here.

    Contact: ue@d120.de

Event workgroups

In addition to the more fixed internal groups, there are also other groups that are reassigned annually or every semester. This applies not only to the committees, but also to recurring tasks such as the organization of the orientation week and the summer party.

  • Ophase management / organizers

    The Orientation Week at the Department of Computer Science is organized by the student council. A leader is always appointed six months in advance to take on the main planning. After that, other people are needed who can take on sub-tasks such as breakfast, handing out the gift bags or giving lectures. We always need helpers (and especially tutors for the small groups) from the general student body, so feel free to contact us at ophase-leitung@d120.de.

  • Programming pre-course

    The preliminary course also has a management team and tutors. The management is responsible for the general structure, room bookings and further planning. The tutors look after the students on the days of the course and help them with questions and problems. You can find current information and more about the process here. If you would like to become a tutor, simply get in touch via vorkurs@d120.de.

  • Feste

    We also need leaders and helpers for the summer party and the St. Nicholas party (as well as all other events of this kind). These take over the planning, the purchasing or tasks at the event itself, such as the cash register or the barbecue. Help from people outside the active student council is always welcome. If you are interested, simply get in touch via sommerfest@d120.de or nikolausfeier@d120.de.